Daily practising yoga poses for beginners

Daily practising yoga poses for beginners

Yoga poses or asanas to be practised daily which relaxes our mind and strengthens our body. Daily practising yoga, rejuvenates our body and it makes us active throughout the day. Yoga asanas provide exercise necessary for muscles of our body.  

Asanas make muscles contract and relax which energises and strengthens the muscles. In turn it improves body functions and overall health of the body. 

Yoga asanas benefits each and every organ of our body and it improves the production of hormones and makes digestive system strong and easy blood circulation throughout the body.  

When and how to practice yoga

Yoga asanas to be practised with calm mind and relaxed body. When your are practising yoga asanas, at the beginning you should start with prayer followed by chanting omkara. This focuses mind towards yoga practice and calms down the mind and you can practice without any distractions. 

Ideal time of practising yoga is early morning and evening time. Sun rising time is the best time to practice yoga.

You should not practice yoga immediately after lunch or breakfast. you have to practice yoga 4-5 hours after lunch or breakfast.  

Yoga asanas should be practised on a mat not on bare ground. Yoga asanas should be learned by a yoga practitioner. Breathing techniques to be followed in all steps of asanas.

At the beginning level easy yoga poses are practised and then other poses are tried gradually. By practice body flexibility increases and you can do many difficult poses very easily.  

    Easy poses for beginners 

    Ardhachakrasana or Half moon pose

    Stand in thadasana with hands at the sides of your body. Inhale and exhale.

    Then come to namaskara pose with elbows stretched to sides.

    Your back, neck, head should be straight. 

    Inhale and slowly lift your hands upward with namaskara pose.

    Your palms should be above your head and stretched and biceps should touch your ears at the sides. 

    Then slowly bend backward as much as possible. 

    Be in that pose for a while and slowly come back to original pose with exhaling.

    Benefits of Ardhachakrasana 

    This pose strengthens shoulders and hands.

    Upper body is stretched and strengthened. 

    It helps to burn fat in abdomen portion of the body. 

    It also tones the back bone and spine.

    Vrukshasana or Tree pose

    Stand straight and keep straight your back and neck.

    Slowly lift right leg and place it on your left inner thigh.

    Lift your both hands and join your palms for namaskara pose above your head. 

    Keep both hands straight and try to balance your body on one leg for a while in the beginning and gradually increase the time.

    Next try to balance the body on right leg. 

    Benefits of Vrukshasana

    This pose improves the balancing capacity of the body. 

    It improves the concentration of mind and maintains equilibrium of the body.

    It strengthens legs muscles from toe to hip region. 

    Even shoulder muscles are stretched and strengthened. 

    Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

    Lay down on your abdomen. 

    Place your palms at the sides of chest, folding arms. 

    Straighten your legs and keep the heels in upward direction. 

    Slowly inhale, raise your head and straighten your hands. 

    Raise your head such that you have to watch upward and push chest upward. 

    Bend your back bone and do not lift waist and legs.

    Stay 10 seconds in this position. 

    Slowly exhale and come to initial position. 

    Benefits of Bhujangasana

    This pose stretches back bone and this helps to strengthen back bone and spine.  It treats back pain. 

    It also stretches chest muscles and it benefits heart and lungs. More oxygen is taken by the body. 

    Blood supply to small intestine, liver, spleen is improved and hence digestion is improved. 

    This pose brings activeness in us. 

    It treats menstrual problems in women.

    Shalabhasana or Locust pose

    Lay down on your abdomen. Place your hands by the side of your body. 

    Then exhale and slowly lift your face upward. 

    Lift your hands and legs upward as much as possible. Keep the legs and hands straight.

    Be in the position for 5 counts and come to original position with inhaling. 

    Benefits of shalabhasana 

    This pose stretches spine, neck portion and legs. This strengthens the muscles of the body. 

    It helps to burn unwanted abdomen fat. 

    Shoulder muscles are strengthened. 

    It improves digestion and avoids constipation. 

    Pada hasthasana or Standing forward bend pose

    Stand in thadasana pose and keep the body straight.

    Lift your hands upward by inhaling such that your biceps touch your ears.

    Slowly exhale and bend towards the ground and keep the palms on the ground at the sides of your feet. 

    Your forehead should touch the knee. 

    Be in that pose for a while and inhale, come back to original posture.

    Benefits of pada hasthasana

    It helps to burn unwanted fat and hence easy to lose weight. 

    Stomach muscles are strengthened.

    Burns unwanted abdomen fat. 

    Helps in digestion and avoids gas formation in stomach and constipation.

    Strengthens legs and thighs and relieved from pain due to sciatica.

    Veerabhadrasana or Warrior pose

    Stand straight and stretch your legs 2-3 feet.

    Stretch and raise your arms to the shoulder level parallel to the ground.

    Turn right foot 45 degrees towards right and left foot 15 degrees towards right.

    Turn your head towards right by twisting your abdomen portion to the right side.

    Be in this position for a while and exhale,slowly come to original position.

    Practice same way to the left side also.

    Benefits of Veerabhadrasana

    This pose stretches and strengthens shoulders, arms, legs, ankles, back.

    Stretches and strengthens thigh and chest muscles which benefits heart and lungs.

    Improves blood circulation in the body and increases oxygen intake.  

    Balancing power of the body increased.

    Parvathasana or Mountain pose

    Be in thadasana posture. Your body should be straight.

    Exhale and bend and place the palms beside the feet.

    Stretch your legs backward and place feet firmly on the ground.

    Bend your head such that your chin is close to your chest.

    Benefits of Parvathasana

    This pose strengthens the muscles of arms and legs. 

    It strengthens the spinal nerves and improves the blood circulation.

    It treats calf muscle pain and it also strengthens shoulders.

    It improves the blood flow to the brain.

    Chaturanga Dandasana or Four limbed staff pose

    Lay down on your abdomen.

    Place your palms on the ground such that palms are at the sides of your chest.

    Slowly inhale and raise your body parallel to the ground with the support of palms and toes on the ground. 

    Look straight forward.

    Be in this posture for a while and come back to original posture with exhaling.

    Dandasana benefits

    This asana strengthens hands, shoulders and legs.

    It strengthens spinal cord and nervous system. 

    Strengthens chest muscles which benefits heart and lungs.

    Naukasana or Boat pose

    Lay down on your back with your feet together and hands at the sides of your body.

    Inhale and exhale, slowly lift your upper body up to chest level and lift your feet upward with stretching your hands towards your feet. 

    Keep finger and toes in a line and keep your neck straight.

    Inhale and exhale and be in this position for a while.

    Then exhale and come back to original position and relax.

    Benefits of Naukasana

    This pose strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

    It also strengthens the leg and arm muscles.

    Shoulder is stretched and strengthened.

    Janushirasasana or One legged forward bend pose

    Sit on the floor and keep back and neck straight.

    Stretch your right leg forward.

    Fold your left leg such that left heel should touch your inner right thigh.

    Then slowly exhale and bend forward to hold right feet with your palms.

    Try to touch your knee with forehead.

    Be in this position for 5 minutes.

    Slowly inhale and come back to initial position.

    Benefits of Janushirasasana

    This asana strengthens spleen and gall bladder and improves their function. 

    It helps in digestion and improves the health of digestive system.

    It improves the health of liver and kidneys and strengthens abdominal part of the body. 

    It improves the blood circulation to the abdominal part. 

    This pose relaxes body and mind.

    Uthitha Padasana or Raised legs pose

    Lay down on the floor. 

    Keep both of your hands at the sides of your body. 

    Slowly exhale, raise your right leg up to 90 degree. 

    Be in the position for 10-15 seconds. 

    Then slowly release the leg with inhaling. 

    In the same way raise your left leg also. 

    Do not bend the leg while doing this asana. 

    You can do it 2-3 times at the beginning. 

    Benefits of Uthitha Padasana

    This asana strengthens thighs and legs. 

    It treats constipation, piles and other kidney related problems. 

    It removes stomach fat and it is good pose for women after delivery. 

    This pose strengthens stomach muscles. 

    This asana also benefits for diabetic patients. 

    Baddhakonasana or Butterfly pose

    Sit on the floor. 

    Slowly inhale and fold your legs and bring the legs towards you. 

    Place the legs such that heels should touch your inner thighs. 

    Hold your feet with your palms. 

    Keep back, neck and head straight.

    Be in this position for 10-15 seconds. 

    Slowly exhale and come back to initial position. 

    Benefits of Baddhakonasana

    This asana improves digestion and avoids constipation and hence helps to treat piles. 

    It treats menstrual problems in women. 

    It strengthens thighs and knee. 

    It improves blood circulation in lower part of the body. 

    Thrikonasana or Triangle pose

    Your body should be straight. 

    Next slowly stretch your legs apart to the sides as much as possible. 

    Then slowly stretch your hands to the sides of your body, parallel to the ground.

    Exhale and slowly bend towards right and place the right palm on the ground at the side of your feet. 

    Left hand should face upward and you should turn your face upward. 

    Be in the position for 5-8 seconds. 

    Then slowly come back to original position by inhaling. 

    Then do it with left hand also. 

    Benefits of Trikonasana

    This pose helps in digestion and treats digestive disorders like bloating, constipation and hence avoids piles. 

    This asana improves the flexibility of back bone and spine and avoids back pain. 

    This pose also strengthens legs, arms and shoulder muscles. 

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    How to relax after every asanas

    Relax in thadasana

    If your are practising any standing postures, after practising one type of asana, you have to relax in thadasana. with moving hands freely, moving neck freely right and left or up and down. Eyes should be closed with smiling face and slowly inhale and exhale and relax for a while. 

    Relax in sukhasana

    If you are practising any poses in sitting posture, then sit in sukhasana and place your hands on thighs and leave your shoulders free. Eyes should be closed with smiling face and slowly inhale and exhale and relax for a while. 

    Relax in shavasana

    If you are practising any poses lying on the ground on your back, after practising each asana, you should be shavasana position with legs apart and hands apart freely. Eyes should be closed with smiling face and slowly inhale and exhale and relax for a while. 

    Relax in makarasana

    If you are practising any poses lying on the ground on your abdomen, after practising each asans, you relax in makarasana, that is lying on your abdomen on the ground with placing your chin on your crossed arms. Your heels should face each other. Eyes should be closed with smiling face and slowly inhale and exhale and relax for a while. 

    Relax in shashankasana

    If you are practising any poses in vajrasana posture, after each asana, you should relax in shashankasana posture. Eyes should be closed with smiling face and slowly inhale and exhale and relax for a while. 

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    November 12, 2020 at 1:51 AM ×

    Thank you for such well thought out, detailed instruction!

    December 11, 2020 at 7:23 PM ×

    Very good detailed information. Thank you..


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